Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Spring in Pittsfield

Our friend Shelley came to visit for a week and we had a great time!  We showed her our favorite playgrounds, had fun cooking, and went for some fun walks.

 Making hamentashen cookies

 Rory's first ride in the Baby Bjorn.  Successful trip to the playground!

 I love how he holds his hands!

 Springtime treasures found on a walk at the bike trail.

  "The lip" in full effect!  It's adorable but sad that it means he's upset.

Our garden bloomed early!

Rosie checking out the crocus in our garden.


Tummy time!

Happy smiles  :)

Sensumay together again for Dr. Maya Stone's concert at SUNY Albany!


Asleep on mama's shoulder.

Communing with the elephants.

March videos

Rosie dancing with Rory, while singing the Muppet Show theme song.
March 1, 2012

Rory coos and goos.
March 9, 2012

Rosie loves to sing and often narrates whatever is doing while singing!
March 9, 2012

Here is Rosie tickling Rory.  She loves him to pieces and he loves to watch and listen to her.  Rosie gets some pretty big smiles and occasional laughs out of Rory, too!
March 14, 2012

Irish Dancing on St. Patrick's Day.  :)
March 17, 2012

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Leapday snowday!

Rosie and I had been dreaming of snow.  We waited and watched for flakes to play in.  Some days we got a dusting, but nothing too significant and definitely not enough to build a snowman or go sledding in, not for awhile.  Finally a big snow-fall was predicted, but we had to wait a little longer for its arrival.  In the meantime we played outside and drew snowmen.  Later that day it began.   The following morning, there was enough snow on the ground, with the promise of more in the afternoon, that all the area schools were closed.  Rosie had her first snowday of preschool!  We celebrated with snow angels, a snow family, shoveling, sledding, and fort-building.  It wasn't as much snow as we got at Halloween, but our only major snowfall in February.  It was all gone a few days later, as we had temperatures in the 60's, but we'll take what we can when it comes!  :)